
NEW Proslot BIG diameter S16D armature
PS-700B  Balanced .560" diameter
The Best  -  £16.50

#919B-36    Viper Engineering Super 16D Balanced Armature

           'Big Bruiser' bigger diameter at .560" diameter     £17.00

PROSLOT S16D and 16D armatures
Top Left  -  PS-700B  NEW Big Diameter arm (.560") 38degree  -  £16.50
Top Right  -  PS-700 Standard S16D arm (.518") 42degree  -  £15.50
Bottom Left  -  PS-706  16D Balanced arm (.518") 38or 42degrees  -  £16.50
Bottom Right  -  PS-706  16D Unbalanced arm (.518") 38or 42degrees -  £15.50


Parma or Trinity 16D - Trued arms available

Parma/PSE American 16D (25, 38 or 45 deg)

Parma Death Star 16D (0.600 long stack)

Parma Zipper balanced

Parma or Trinity S16D - Trued arms available

Parma/PSE reworked Super 16D

Parma/PSE American S16D (38 deg)

Proslot Super 16D (42 deg) NEW drill blank shaft

RJR Super 16D (42 deg) NEW drill blank shaft

Mura Super 16C or Super 16D (25 or 38 deg)

Hershman Blueprints

Green Demon/Ghost 16D (25 deg)

Mean Demon/Green Ghoul 16D (30 deg)

Equaliser 16D balanced (25 deg)

Brown Beast II (25 deg) Rebalanced

Brown Beast III (35 deg) Rebalanced

Brown Brute II and III

And others...